The sight of Grey Concrete makes me want to Concrete Dye

Grey concrete floors everywhere, over here and over there, all the same, who’s to blame, for all the grey concrete everywhere?

Woohoo – Life is in Vivid Colour – and now your concrete can come to life too!

Floor Masters is excited to bring to New Zealand 2 great ranges of Concrete Dyes/Stains. Two of our US suppliers manufacture Concrete Dyes, used to colour concrete floors.  They both have acetone and waterbased options.

VVivid dye - now available in New Zealandivid Concrete Dye is manufactured by Laticrete and sold under their L&M Construction Chemicals brand and offers 21 Colours, each of which can be applied in different strengths for different tones of that colour.  Can be used as Waterbased and Acetone dyes.



Abstract Concrete Dye - Now available in New ZealandAbstract Concrete Dye is manufactured by Laticrete under their Spartacote Brand and comes in 15 different colours with adjustable intensity.

The Acetone Concrete dyes dry fast – less than 5 minutes and have no VOC’s, but does have a nail polish remover smell, but that does not last long, but some people find it offensive.

The waterbased Concrete Dyes take longer 30 minutes to 2 hours to dry, but are perfectly safe to work with and around.

Concrete staining has been around for a long time.  Most stains are acid based, which means hazadous materials, lots of protection and clean up required to neutralise the acid after application and usually leaves the floor to wet to finish that day.

The Acetone Concrete Dye evaporates in minutes and the finishing of the floor can continue within half an hour.  The waterbased dyes can continue to be worked on after about 2 hours.

Because acetone evaporates very quickly, it makes it possible to do crisper lines with this product as there is less leaching of the dye under tape.

To Stain or Dye your concrete floor?

Vivid Dye'd concrete floor. Dye/stained concrete floor with Vivid Dye - Available from Floor Masters Ltd - AucklandThe Vivid and Abstract concrete dyes are different to stains.  Dyes use finer colour particles, and are able to penetrate deeper into, and actually change the colour of some of the concrete components.  This allows the concrete to be finely diamond polished after application to produce highly polished concrete finishes.

There are a number of application techniques we can use to create a unique floor for you.Sparta-Stain - Abstract Dye converted patio-living space

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  • We can do a mottled finish, where the colour intensity changes across the floor, in one or more colours.
  • WE CAN DO A SOLID COLOUR CHANGE TO THE FLOOR – so it looks like the concrete was originally laid it that colour
  • We can introduce Design, with different areas or patterns being coloured seperately.FGS PERMASHINE - new concrete laid, diamond polished, vivid concrete dye applied the finished to 3000 grit finish. This system is available in New Zealand through Floor Masters Ltd.


These concrete dyes can be applied to plain concrete floors, diamond ground concrete floors and even Polymer overlays (like Cretecova, Levelcova and Thincova).  We are also testing Polishable overlays that allow us to place a better polished conrete floor over a sub standard floor. (some floors are just not up to standard)

Concrete Dye Colour charts

 Here is the brochure/colour chart for Vivid Concrete Dye – LM-14-0090-Vivid_Dye_Chart_2014_04_LR

Decorative concrete overlay/resurfacing - trowel finished concrete to look like wood, then coloured with Abstract Dye (mahogany).
Woodcrete overlay with Mahogany Dye

Here is the colour chart for Abstract Concrete Dye HPS_Abstract_ColorCard

Give us a call and discuss how we can us our concrete dye systems to give your concrete floor a more colour ful LIFE


Director at Floor Masters Ltd. Dedicated to research and development to bring our clients the best solutions to their many challenges. I want you to have the right solution for your situation.